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GuideML's tooltypes and command line arguments are the same. Anything marked with * is only available from the CLI. The tooltypes only accept the longer forms of the arguments, and are fully editable using the GUI and Save As Defaults. Items marked with ^ are only available in tooltypes.

USAGE:  FILE/A                  AmigaGuide file to be converted
        TO/K                    Destination drawer for the html pages
        URL=HOMEURL/K           URL accessed by the 'HOME' button
        FINDURL=SEARCHURL/K     URL accessed by the 'SEARCH' button
        PREV/K                  'PREV' button text/image
        NEXT/K                  'NEXT' button text/image
        INDEX/K                 'INDEX' button text/image
        TOC/K                   'CONTENTS' button text/image
        HELP/K                  'HELP' button text/image
        RETRACE/K               'RETRACE' button text/image (displays only if specified)
        HOME/K                  'HOME' button text/image
        FIND=SEARCH/K           'SEARCH' button text/image
        BAR/K                   Bar text between navigation buttons
        BODY/K                  Addition to the body tag of every page
      * VER=VERBATIM/S          List of created files
        IMG=IMAGES/S            Create image navigation bar
        FTR=FOOTER/S            Navigation bar also at end of page
        LA=LINKADD/K            Text to add to the start of every link
        NL=NOLINKS/S            Ignore internet links
        NE=NOEMAIL/S            Ignore e-mail addresses
      * NW=NOWARN/S             Don't show warnings
        MSDOS/S                 Create MS-DOS filenames (*.htm)
        SF=SINGLEFILE/S         Put all AmigaGuide nodes into a single HTML file (no LINKADD)
        PARENTEXTLInKS/S        Adds ../ to the beginning of external AmigaGuide links
        LN=NUMBERLINES          Adds line number refernces to the HTML
        NONAVBAR/S              Do not create the HTML navigation bar
        MOZNAV/S                Create Mozilla-compatible Site Navigation Bar (obsolete)
        SHOWALL/S               Keep navbar consistent between pages
      * HTMLHEAD/K              HTML to put in front of guide text
        HTMLHEADF/K             File containing HTMLHEAD (overrides HTMLHEAD)
      * HTMLFOOT/K              HTML to put underneath guide text
        HTMLFOOTF/K             File containing HTMLFOOT (overrides HTMLFOOT)
        NOHTML/S                Don't auto-generate HTML header or footer
        CSS/K                   URL of Cascading Style Sheet to link to
        WORDWRAP/S              Word-wraps text (converts @wordwrap)
        SMARTWRAP/S             Smartwraps text (converts @smartwrap)
        VARWIDTH/S              Do not use fixed width font (#?WRAP only)
        NOAUTO/S                Do not auto-detect wrap mode
        LINDENT/K/N             Threshold for @{lindent} to convert to <blockquote>
      ^ COLOURn                 Colour value in hex, where n is:
                                0 = Text
                                1 = Shine
                                2 = Shadow
                                3 = Fill
                                4 = FillText
                                5 = Background
                                6 = Highlight